%% The Editor's Desk                                     By Robert Niles %%


Another week, another fantastic issue of Amiga Report!!

This week we have had quite a few readers out there send in some very
interesting articles. These articles, the articles that have been written
for Amiga Report, and the articles that you send to AR in the future is 
what makes this magazine so great! 

We don't just talk about the Amiga, and the Amiga community. 
Amiga Report *IS* the Amiga ....and the Amiga community!

I've been honored to receive newsletters from The Minnesota Commodore 
User's Association, and from Amiga Arizona. These newsletters are quite
interesting to read. It's good to hear from those of you out there who
are actively supporting the Amiga, and educating the public.

If you are a member of an Amiga user's group, please send me a newsletter.
And no matter where you are ....support your local Amiga user's group!

OK ...enough! Let's get on with the show!

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